Homelessness Prevention Trailblazer Project

The team provided a service across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough that supported services to help reduce homelessness. To find out about the work we have done, you can see our annual reports here

You can also see our report for Registered Providers here, with case studies and further information on our work

We helped staff to identify the early warning signs of homelessness and ways to prevent it. We help build good working relationships and deliver a better service by being the link between agencies, alongside the new Homeless Reduction Act which came into force in the UK in April 2018.

What did the trailblazer team do?

The project:

  • Educated organisations to recognise the early warning signs of homelessness and ways to prevent it
  • Helped people as early as possible when threatened with homelessness
  • Promoted housing health checks and budgeting tools
  • Supported agencies to make action plans for those at risk of homelessness
  • Ensured customers were engaging with help given to prevent homelessness
  • Worked closely with housing options teams to see what has been successful and what has not and utilise feedback to further develop the project
  • Ran a homeless prevention hub and private rent and landlord solution service.